Personalize your landing pages and increase your sales conversions

With Delio, each of your leads will see the Landing Page that is most meaningful to them. Delio allows lead segmentation following multiple criteria, so that each lead will see a Landing Page with personalized images, text and even contacting options. One key to success in advertising campaigns is Landing Pages customization following search and surfing patterns. This helps to improve conversion rates while generating meaningful content for leads and clients, bringing closer what they are looking for.

Dynamic Landing Pages help to acquire qualified and classified leads.

  • They generate offers automatically.
  • They maximize sales conversions.
  • They reduce management and lead control costs.
Las landing pages dinámicas de Delio Lead Management convierten un mayor número de leads debido a que el contenido está adaptado a lo que el lead espera en cada momento

Audience Segmentation

Always relevant

With Delio you can segment your audiences following multiple criteria, so each one will see their most optimal Landing Page to achieve better outcomes. Classify your leads according to the length of the search, keywords used, surfing patterns… and offer each one the Landing Page that best suits their profile.

Delio Lead Management's dynamic landing pages convert a greater number of leads because the content is adapted to what they expect.

A/B Test

Always get it right

With Delio you can test two or more different Landing pages, so you can see which one performs better in conversion rates and optimize your processes. You will be surprised about how simple and intuitive these tests are and the results you achieve by using always the best performing Landing Pages.

Increase the conversion rate and conversion value of each lead with Delio Lead Management, since it allows you to find the message, page and image that best converts in each channel.

Landing Pages Editor

Design your own Landing Pages

Delio has its own built-in Landing Page editor, so you can design your own in a simple and intuitive way. You don’t need any technical or design skills to have, in a few minutes, a Landing Page that is ready to use.

Delio Lead management provides you with the right tools so that you can edit and publish your dynamic landing pages.