Now with Delio, 100% integration. Work as you wish and with whoever you like
One of Delio’s most remarkable features is how easily it integrates with any other application, platform or external system. Its integrability facilitates the inclusion of external features to Delio to take the most out of the systems that are already been used , so you can start working with Delio in a short time and with very short learning periods.
Online API
All information at your disposal
Delio is connected, via API, to any external system so it can perform a variety of functions (data import, external database consult, etc).
In this way you can access to all your leads' and clients' information from different databases and organize marketing actions with data that, before, was not within your scope .
The best marketplace at your fingertips
Delio integrates with the marketplace Zapier, which allows access to features and functionalities of over 300 web applications available through this platform. You will be able to add these functionalities to Delio, which gives you spectacular power and versatility.
CRM Connector
Your CRM and Delio will work together without a hitch
Delio’s CRM connector allows an easy integration with any CRM software. You will be surprised by how easy it is to integrate your CRM with Delio and everything you can get out of this: you will have all relevant information about your leads and clients coming from your CRM with dates provided by Delio. Your knowledge about your leads will be much greater than before and it will be presented in a way that makes it easy for you to take full advantage of it, creating much better segmented campaigns.
External Data Base Loading
Work with any database, wherever it is
Delio can work with external databases, a very valuable feature if you want to use the information they contain but cannot export them.
Delio can take the information you wish from any database, without having to make copies or moving confidential databases outside their servers.