Delio – Immediate Contact

Sell More, Sell Better


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Imagine a consumer who finds a product she likes in your website and wants to be contacted to get more information. If you don’t contact her immediately she will lose interest. Are you contacting your leads fast enough?

When you get back to your leads within the first 5 minutes your chances of actually speaking to that lead are one hundred times higher than if you contact them 30 minutes later or more. That could be a lot of sales!

Delio will automatically get in touch with your leads. If it’s a call, it will be transfered to your salesforce. If the lead is unavailable Delio will make new tries, so you make sure everyone gets contacted.

Enter Delio. We guarantee that all of your leads will be contacted in the first 30 seconds, while they’re still excited about your product! You will not believe what a difference that will make in your conversion rates.

Learn how to have a Lead management platform that is really easy to understand what works and what doesn’t works in your campaigns, that It allows You to take the best decisions to engage your leads and boost Your sales.
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